by Rod Jones
Chuck Flint, 蹤獲弝けs assistant director of transfers and coordinator of military admissions, said the designation is evidence of the universitys goal of helping students obtain a first-class education.
Those who serve our country with honor deserve a chance at the best educational opportunities available, Flint said. Were happy to help them with their educational needs, and proud that a media voice of these students has recognized our commitment.
Now in its seventh year, the designation provides service members and their families with transparent, data-driven ratings about post-military education and career opportunities.
Institutions competed for the elite Military Friendly School title by completing a survey of more than 100 questions covering 10 categories, including military support on campus, graduation and employment outcomes, and military spouse policies. Survey responses were scored against benchmarks across these key indicators of success. Data was independently tested by Ernst & Young based upon the weightings and methodology established by Victory Media with guidance from an independent advisory board of higher education and recruiting professionals.
蹤獲弝け scored particularly high in the categories of course credit acceptance and on-campus military support.
For more information about military students at 蹤獲弝け University, visit the Veterans Affairs webpage at