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Request your transcript

If you have access to Ƶ University's Student Information System (), you may submit your request electronically by using . If you do not have access, you may submit your request by mail, email attachment, or fax. You can submit a or provide as much of the following information as possible in a written letter (missing information may delay the processing of your request):

  • Full name - as it is now and as it was when you were enrolled at Ƶ, if different
  • Student ID number (if available). Please DO NOT include a Social Security number for security reasons.
  • Date of birth
  • Current address and phone number
  • Full address(es) where transcript(s) are to be sent
  • Dates of attendance
  • Year of graduation and degree (if applicable)
  • Student signature (Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act requirement)

We do not charge for individual transcripts, however, there will be a limit of five transcripts per day issued to a student. An exception may be made when the student provides individual addresses for transcripts to be sent directly to other institutions. If a student requests more than twenty transcripts per month to be sent to a person and/or institution, there will be a $6.00 charge for each additional transcript. Any special handling, such as a U.P.S. charge, will have to be prepaid.

Transcripts are not processed if the student has an outstanding financial obligation. Students should call Student Account Services at (405) 208-5146 or go to the Student Account Services window, 3rd floor, Clara E. Jones Administration Building, to check on their financial status.

Print the and send to:

Ƶ University
Office of the Registrar
Attn: Transcripts
2501 N Blackwelder Ave
Ƶ, OK 73106

If you have the ability, you can scan or take a picture of your request and upload it to our , email it to [email protected], or fax your request to (405) 208-6047.

Please be sure to sign your faxed request and call the office at (405) 208-5298 to verify that the fax was received. We do not fax transcripts.

Students are required to show photo identification when picking up their transcripts. If a transcript is to be released to a third party, written authorization from the student is required. Parents may obtain their student's transcript with written authorization signed by the student or with a signed affidavit stating that the student is their financial dependent according to IRS regulations.

Order Your Electronic Transcript through Parchment

We are pleased to offer electronic transcript services through Parchment. To order your transcript, please use the link below:

Who can order?
Electronic transcripts are available to all students. If you attended Ƶ University prior to Fall 1987, please note that additional processing time may be required.


What you can expect:

  • Convenient 24/7 access: Order transcripts any time, from anywhere.
  • Secure transactions: Your payment and personal information are protected.
  • Immediate, secure delivery: Have your transcript delivered electronically to any recipient worldwide.
  • Real-time updates: Receive automatic email about your order status.
  • Order tracking: Monitor the progress of your order directly on the Parchment website.
  • Multiple orders: You can order transcripts for multiple recipients in one session.


Order as many transcripts as you need in a single transaction using any major credit card.

Ƶ University requires all students to submit official transcripts, such as high school transcripts, undergraduate transcripts with or without a degree, or graduate transcripts. These transcripts must be official. Official transcripts are defined as transcripts sent directly from one institution to Ƶ University. Electronic transcripts will be accepted from schools using approved secured transmission systems. The current list of approved systems are as follows:

  • Avow
  • Escrip
  • GreenLight
  • National Student Clearinghouse
  • National Transcript Center
  • Parchment
  • Transcript Exchange
  • Common Application Online
  • XAP

Any transcript marked “Issued to Student” and/or hand-carried transcripts are not considered official and will not be accepted for transfer purposes. Any questions regarding transcripts or student log-in should be addressed to [email protected].

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