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Thursday, August 4, 2016

As a student there are so many decisions you have to make: What class do I take? What organizations do I join? What do I eat for lunch today? You get the picture, but one choice that every student has to make, especially after graduation is: What do I do now?

This is where Career Services can help you! Don’t wait until your senior year to discover the Career Center, do it now! We can help you create a resume, develop a cover letter, talk with you about career choices that fit your major, what to wear to an interview and so much more! We also hold on-campus events such as career fairs, professional etiquette dinners and skills workshops that are open to all students.

Career Services also assists students with their internship search, which can be very important when applying for future employment. We can help you identify the type of internship that will work for your major and future plans, as well as provide you with information on companies looking for students just like you! Looking into graduate school? We can advise you on the application process, and programs that support your future career goals. And remember, Career Services is also committed to serving our alumni. Whether you need to start from scratch, require a little polish, or are looking for guidance on a career change, come see us!

Career services is not only for graduates ready to jump out into the real world, but also for students preparing to make a brighter future for themselves. Stop by Meinders School of Business, room 200 and meet with a career advisor today! It will be the best decision for your future you have ever made!

kanika-brown.jpg#asset:7530:smallPortraitKanika Brown, Coordinator, Career Services

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