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Honor Roll of Donors - 2025

Honor Roll of Donors

ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ University is stronger because of your support!  Whether you give to the ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Fund, endow scholarships or mentor a student, our strength is in community—thank you! The Honor Roll of Donors celebrates individuals who have made exceptional contributions to ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ. The generosity of these donors allows students to immerse themselves in the ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ experience and helps to provide the resources and tools students need to reach their full potential. Please join us in honoring our alumni and friends for their significant contributions to our great university.

Our staff has worked carefully to ensure this list of donors is as accurate as possible. If you know of an error or omission or have questions regarding this information, please call the ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Office of University Advancement at (405) 208-7000.


* Member in memoriam

** Current or former ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ employee

*** Current ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ trustee or chairman emeritus


Cumulative Gifts of $1 Million or More 

Founders are an exceptional group of donors who have earned a place of distinction through their commitment to ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ University and their remarkable generosity, which continues to advance the university’s mission. Each has made cumulative gifts of $1 million or more.

Ann Simmons Alspaugh*

Wanda L. Bass*

Martha Burger**

Phil*** and Cathy Busey

Chesapeake Energy

Communities Foundation of Oklahoma

John and Carol Davis

Devon Energy

DRH Health Foundation

E.L. and Thelma Gaylord Foundation

Estate of Jeroldine Zachritz Clark

Estate of Jimmie Heatley Close

Estate of Marvin and Ena Dawson

Estate of Mary Clary Sargent

Estate of Thomas E. Barnett

Estate of Vivian Wimberly

Jose Freede*

Dan Owens and Margaret Freede Owens

Gerald Gamble*** and Jane Jayroe Gamble***

Harris Foundation, Inc.

Jeanne Hoffman Smith*

Inasmuch Foundation

Ronnie and Shahnaaz Irani

Clara E. Jones*

Lou C. Kerr* / The Kerr Foundation, Inc.

Kerr-McGee Corporation, Inc. 

Ann Lacy*

Cathy and Kurt* Leichter

Larry and Susan Lemon

Martha J. Lemon

Lynette Lemon Wert and Pete Wert

Tan Sri Dr Lim Wee Chai

Judy Love*

Paul*** and Jonalee McLaughlin

Charles E. Mehr*

Herman and LaDonna* Meinders

Marjorie J. Norick*

Ronald and Margaret Norick

Norick Investments

ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Community Foundation

Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist


Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. Foundation

Oklahoma Methodist Foundation

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

F.M. Petree*

Margaret E. Petree*

Ray* and Patricia Potts

Robert & Ruby Priddy Charitable Trust

Robert A. Parman Foundation

Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation

Sarkeys Foundation

Bill*** and Pam Shdeed

Dick Sias*

The Chickasaw Nation

The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation, Inc.

The Meinders Foundation

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation

The Sumners Foundation

Annual Giving

Annual support provides a vital source of institutional momentum, allowing ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ to enhance learning opportunities, provide financial assistance to students, meet emerging needs and take advantage of new opportunities. The university is pleased to be able to recognize those who have shown exemplary support through their gifts between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

180 Medical

19th Hole Crew, LLC

A New Energy, LLC

A&S Roofing Contracting, LLC

Rob and Autumn Abernathy

Abigail, LLC

William and Leslie Ackerman

David and Kathie Aelvoet

Dustin Allen

American Fidelity Assurance Co.

American Fidelity Foundation

Don and Mollie Andrews

Elizabeth Anthony

Tom Apel

Apogee Electronics

Apple, Inc

Arnold & Smith Law

Ascent Resources Management

Services, LLC

LuAnn Atkins

Avidxchange, Inc.

Richard** and Dana Ayers

Angela E. Bachman

Brian and Julia Bakeman

Kevin Baldwin

Ball Morse Lowe PLLC

Ballard Miller Foundation


Bank of Oklahoma Foundation

Terry Baransy

Susan Barber** and David Nagle

Ron and Debbie Barnes

David and Leta Barry

Hamden and Robyn Baskin

Jerry Bass**

Louise L. Bass***

Arnold and Jo Ann Battise

BCMW Investmensts LLC

David and Laura Beal

Mary and Michael Beam

Regan Beatty

Because We Care Philanthropy Inc.

Beck Design

Paula and Don Beck

Jim Beers

Mark** and Teena Belcik

Sri Beldona**

Richard Benigno

Brent Benn

Andrew*** and Deborah Benton

Steven** and Diana Bittle

Jeb Blacketer

Jeffrey and Lori Blumenthal

Dr. George Bohannon

James and Dianna Bonfiglio

Klindt Breckenridge

Clayton Brewer

Bob and Karen Browne

Robert Brubaker

James and Becky Buchanan

Doug and Rhonda Buckles

Barbara Bunce

Martha Burger**

Bob and Chimene Burke

Brian Bushweller

Carol Byrd

Peggy L. Campbell

Camps Quick Change Oil, Inc.

Talia Carroll**

Joe and Lori Carter

John Cary

Joe and Judith Case

Chris and Danette Cassetty

Dr. Amy Cataldi**

Rosemary Cato

Benjamin** and Eno Chang

Charles and Nikki Singer


Cherokee Nation Businesses

Chickasaw Nation Industries

Christina Chicoraske** and 

Timothy Chicoraske**

Children’s Health Foundation

City of ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ

Civic Music Association of 

Oklahoma Fund

Ed and Matilda Clements

James Cloud

Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages

Comma Insurance

Conklin Family Foundation

Thomas Conklin

Barbara Cooper

Terri Cooper

Bill and Mary Ann Corum

Wayne and Carmen Craney

Gina Crawford**

John and Cindy Crittenden

Crossroads District of the 

OK Annual Conference UMC

Crowe & Dunlevy


Brad and Patricia Curtis

Jim and Mickey Daniels

Mark and Jackie Darrah

Ken Davidson

Anna Davis**

Scott and Carol Davis

John and Carol Davis

Kyle Dean**

Chance Deaton

Michael Decker**

Deer Creek Cheer Boosters

Karen R. Delaney

Patricia R. Demps

Paul Derby and T. J. Sawner

Devol and Associates


Robert Doenges

Dorchester Capital Corporation

Robert Dorman**

Double Good

Dennis and Nancy Dougherty

Jordan Downs

Duncan College Consulting LLC

Walt and Ann-Clore Duncan

Jeremy Duvall**

Jo Anne Eason

Emmanuel*** and Irene Edem

Carl and Susan Edwards

Eide Bailly LLP

El Dorado Corporation

Robert and Nancy Ellis

Donald** and Suzanne Emler

Kenneth Evans**

Marianne Evans

Mike Farney

Fellers, Snider, Blankenship, Bailey 

& Tippens, PC

Christopher and Jacqueline*** Fiegel

Danielle Fielding

Jason Finley

Jennifer Finley

First National Bank of Oklahoma

First Presbyterian Church

Melinda Fitzgerald

Paul and Deborah*** Fleming

Charles and Carla Flournoy

Frank S. and Julia M. Ladner Family 

Foundation, Inc.

Joan Frates

Fred Jones Family Foundation

Dan Owens and 

Margaret Freede Owens

Toni D. Frioux, DNP, APRN-CNP, 


FSB Architects + Engineers

Emily and Dalton Funkhouser**


Philip Gainey

Gerald Gamble*** and 

Jane Jayroe Gamble***

Helen M. Gaudin**

Alok and Archana Gautam

Gerald L. Gamble Company, Inc.

Ann Felton Gilliland

Mary Gilmore Caffrey

Sarah J. Glick, Esq.

Global Payments Direct, Inc.

Steven and Carol Goetzinger

Harry Goldman and Jettie Person

Mario and Becky Gonzalez

Gary and Margaret Graham

Linda (Hawkins) and 

Nathan Grantham

Cari Griggs

Tanner Grooms

Gulfport Energy

Hall Booth Smith P.C.

Adam Hall and Kelli Stump

Julia Carrington Hall

Irene K. Ham

Mrs. Treva Reuszer Hancock

Eric Hardgrave

Peter and Shantel Harlin

Timothy and Courtney Harlin

Jane Harlow

Koby** and Sarah Harrington

Nick*** and Susan Harroz

Jean* and James Hartsuck

Hartzog Conger Cason LLP

Richard and Elizabeth Hatcher

Kim and Suzette Hatfield

Johnson Hanan Vosler Hawthorne

& Snider

Health Care Service Corporation

Erik Heine**

Larry** and Gay Hellman

Shirley Hendrick

David** and Lucy Herendeen

Michael and Emily Herman

Claudia Holliman

Homsey Law Center

Gary*** and Sue Homsey

J.R.*** and Patsy Homsey

Kevin and Patty Howard

Eric and Kami** Huddleston

John & Janet Hudson

Inasmuch Foundation

Ronnie and Shahnaaz Irani

Niles Jackson and Barbara Thornton

Wendy Jenkins

Dennis Jeter

Tim Johnson

Brent and Gay Jones

Maria Jones**

Frank and Cathy Keating

Chris Kelly

Mark and Gayla Kelly

Nancy Kenderdine* **

Linda Kennedy Rosser

Lou C. Kerr*

Michelle Kiec**

Jamie Kilpatrick**

Ed and Gay Kirby

Kirkpatrick Family Fund

Steve Knight

KPMG Foundation

Phil Kramer 

Jennifer M. Kraszewski

Lacy Foundation

Ann Lacy*

Mark Lacy

Robin Ladd

Greg Laird

Eric Laity**

Dan and Phyllis Larson

Mary and Bill Layton


Cathy Leichter

Charles and Gayla LeMaire

Jaedah Lewis

David Lim

Tan Sri Dr Lim Wee Chai

Jenee*** and Darren Lister

Mr. Christopher Lloyd and 

Erik Salazar

Brandon and Joanna Long

Bob*** and Marsha Long

Martin J. Lopez, Jr.

Dan Burdette and Janis Love

Judy Love*

John D. Lovell

Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores

LSB Industries

Heather Lunsford**

Aixin James Ma**

April Marciszewsk** and 

Charles Martin

Robert and Martha Margo

Peter** and Kris Markes

Samuel and Sally Marrs

Phil and Darwina** Marshall

Paula Marshall***

Martin J. Lopez, M.D., P.C.

Bill Massad

Shelley Maxted

McAfee & Taft, PC

Marshall McCabe

McCasland Foundation

Don and Virginia** McCombs

McDaniel Family Foundation

Lance McDaniel***

Mark and Stacy McDaniel

Leroy Ball and Patricia McGarrity

Rick McKee

Debbie McKinney

Jean McLaughlin

Paul*** and Jonalee McLaughlin

Richard McLaughlin

Burrel and Jo Ann McNaught

Bill*** and Tracy Mee

Herman and LaDonna* Meinders

Carol Mieger

Joel and Nikki Miliband

Daniel Miller

Karen E. Miller

Karen L. Miller and John W. Ballard

Maudie Miller and Mike Hicks

Jo Beth Moad**

Isai Molina

Nancy Moore Strecker

John Morozuk

Eugene and Jean Morrison

Kyle and Ashley Murphy

Naifeh Fine Jewelry

Jeaneen Naifeh*

Kelli O’Hara Naughton

Judi and Dennis Newland

David and Betty Nittler

Dustin Nolan

David Nowak

Oakdale Holdings, LLC

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak 

& Stewart, P.C.

Oklahoma Bar Association

Oklahoma Bar Foundation, Inc.

ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Community College

ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ Community 


Oklahoma Conference of the 

United Methodist Church

Oklahoma County Bar Foundation

Oklahoma Gas & Electric

Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. 


Oklahoma Independent Colleges 

and Universities, Inc.

Oklahoma Methodist Foundation

Chris Papin

Darren and Ann Parker

Mark Parker**

Richard*** and Gayle Parry

Paycom Software Inc.

Steven Payne

Harry Pefanis

Jesse Pennington

Charlette Perryman

Phillips 66

Phillips Murrah, PC

Joseph Phillips

Pierce, Couch, Hendrickson, 

Baysinger & Green, L.L.P.

David Pitzer

Michael and Tammy*** Powell

Presser Foundation

Ed Proctor and Nancy Dumoff

Prosperity Bank

Clint*** and Amber Purtell

Tom Quinn and Tommy Thompson

Karla Rayburn

George J. Records

Records-Johnston Family Foundation, Inc.

REES Associates, Inc.

Betsy Replogle

Seth Robbins

Robert A. Parman Foundation

Robinson Park, LLC

Rockstar Championships, LLC

Casey R. Ross**

Donald Rowlett

RT Development, LLC

Adam** and Maranda Ryburn

Ralph and Sandra Sallusti

Dean Emerita Lois L. Salmeron**

Shane*** and Traci Sanders

John Sanders

Paul and Kim Sanders

Eddie and Rochelle Schafer

H.J. Schafer

James Schmaelzle

Janet Schmitz

Charles and Jane Schneeberger

Edie Schneeberger and Gail Garloch

Mary Schneeberger

Andrew Schroeder

Nick Schwarz**

Brook Scott

Jennifer Sedgwick

George and Margaret Selby

Bill*** and Pam Shdeed

Jim and Melanie** Shelley

Nikki Singer**

Roy Slootheer

Shelby and Adelaide Smith

Solomon Strategic Advisors

Southern Plains Operators 


Terry A. Sparks and Richard F. Hicks

Spencer Fane LLP

Bob** and Pam Spinks

Brian and Adria Sprigler

SSM Health St. Anthony Hospital

Richard and Kathleen St. Denis

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church

Susanna M. Stefanek

Irwin and D. Kelley Steinhorn

Brandon Brooks and 

Lynann Sterk-Brooks**

Jerome Stevenson**

Reverend Craig Stinson and 

Dr. Krista Stinson

Rebecca G. Stough-Clinton

George Strake

Susan & Nick Harroz III Family 

Foundation Inc

Sweet Dewberry Hubbard, PLC

Victoria K. Swinney**

Richard and Glenna Tanenbaum

Marvona Easley Tavlin and 

Michael Tavlin

Anthony and Sarah Taylor

Team Griffin Basketball Association

Emily Tew

Texas Instruments Foundation

TG Medical USA, Inc.

The Ayco Charitable Foundation

The Bama Companies, Inc.

The Chickasaw Nation

The Innovation Foundation

The Kerr Foundation, Inc.

The Professional Basketball 

Club, LLC

David and Jessica Thionnet

Gloria Thomas

N.C. Thomas

Cullen and Bonnie Thomas

Chuck Thompson

Brian Thurber

James and Elizabeth Tolbert

Tom and Judy Love Foundation

Gertie Toney

Patricia Tramel

Jonathan Treat

Tim and Kara Trevino

Lynda Trussell

Linda Tucker

Valliance Bank

Jerry Vannatta*** and Melinda Lyon

John and Susan Vas

John D.*** and Ginger L. Veal

Justin Vogt

Gary Waite and Ruth Grant

Dennis and Chrissy Walker

Wanda L. Bass Foundation, Inc.

Richard Wansley and 

Meredith Davison

WCM Investment Company

Wed Society

Jim and Jenifer Welsh

Whitten & Burrage, LLP

Reggie and Rachelle Whitten

Ashlie** and Larry Wilhelm

John Michael and Kathy*** Williams

Drew Williamson

Lizette Williamson

Beverly Wlodarski

Womens Energy Network of

Greater Oklahoma

Paul Woody

Hub Worrell*

Wright Resources 

International, PLLC

Charlotte and Joe Wright

Young Chiropractic, Inc.

Gold Star Society

The Gold Star Society recognizes donors who provide support for ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ through deferred or estate gifts. Such legacy gifts impact the university in a variety of ways. Some donors choose to have their gift applied wherever the need is greatest, while others support endowed scholarships, professorships or chairs. Others direct their support toward a program or project that inspires them.

Victor and Karen Kay Albert

Betty Alden

Judy Altshuler

Frank Atwater

Brian and Julia Bakeman

Terry Baransy

Susan Barber** and David Nagle

Tom Beadles

Terry and Pamela Bergdall

Stephen Bird

Kay Bradley

Martha Burger**

Bob and Chimene Burke

Carl Cartwright

Danny and Carol Cochran**

Nance and Mary Coffey**

Christine Collins

George Craig**

Allen Sheldon and Lisa Crone-Sheldon

Joe and Sherry Crosthwait

Mark and Jackie Darrah

Michael Decker**

Catherine Dougherty

Patricia J. Downing

Terry Drake

Larry Eberhardt**

Phyllis Edson

Orville Edwards

Ronald and Pat Eitzen

Donald** and Suzanne Emler

Matthew and Jill Epperson

Dr. Robert D. Fry, MD

Nick and Sue Gales

Jeannine Gibbens

Larry and Jeannette Haag

Attieson and Sharon Halbrook

Mrs. Treva Reuszer Hancock

Roger Harrod

Richard Hastings

Patricia Hatamyar**

Robert Henry** and Jan Ralls Henry

Alan and Elisha Herndon

James and Joan Hirnisey

Gary*** and Sue Homsey

Megan Hornbeek Allen** and Jeremy Allen

William and Karen Howard

Karen Hunold and David Brahm

Dixie Jensen

Fred and Patricia Johnson

Jeffery Key

Jim and Mary Kutch

Eric Laity**

Timothy Larason

Marilyn J. Laughbaum

Janet Leadbetter

Ruth G. Leebron

Cathy Leichter

Dan Burdette and Janis Love

Andrea L. MacMullin

Donald and Barbara MacPherson

Daniel Majors

Samuel and Sally Marrs

Philelle E. McBrayer

John and Kathryn McInnis

Burrel and Jo Ann McNaught

Doloris A. McVay

Hugh Meeks

Herman and LaDonna* Meinders

Patrick K. Miles

Mary A. Millard

Karen L. Miller and John W. Ballard

Maudie Miller and Mike Hicks

Margaret L. Moedt

Nancy Moore Strecker

Jim and Debbie Musick**

Sharon K. O’Roke

Mark Parker**

Brenda Penwell

Pat Potts

Scott Preston and Sheryl Herner

Nancy Pryst

Dr. and Mrs. George Randall***

Thomas and Linda Ray

Karen Rice

Casey R. Ross**

Dennis Rubenstein

Michael and Kelcey Schag

Charles and Jane Schneeberger

Hugh and Shirley Scott

Timothy Scott

Cheryl Seguine

Garvin Senn

Bill and Pam Shdeed

Shelby and Adelaide Smith

Wayne Stone

Samuel and Deborah Suddarth

Marvona Easley Tavlin and Michael Tavlin

Kelly Thompson

Kevin Tully

Patricia Tully

Alireza Vahabzadeh

Nancy J. Van Antwerp

Robert Van House

Jerry Vannatta*** and Melinda Lyon

Virginia K. Walker

Richard Wansley and Meredith Davison

Dr. George W. Wells Jr.

Lisa Wolfe** and Fred Mischler**

Carl and Beverly Ann Young

Bright Society

The Bright Society is ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ’s donor recognition society for alumni, friends and corporate partners who contribute a minimum of $1,000 annually for three years to the ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ President’s Excellence Fund and optionally to scholarships. Donors’ annual investment enables ÂÜÀòÊÓƵ to address the most pressing universitywide priorities. The following are Bright Society members from fiscal year 2024.

Richard** and Dana Ayers

Dr. George Bohannon

Martha Burger**

Brian Bushweller

Talia Carroll**

John Cary

Christina Chicoraske** and Timothy Chicoraske**

Gina Crawford** 

Michael Decker**

Kenneth Evans**

Christopher and Jacqueline Fiegel***

Paul and Deborah Fleming** ***

Toni D. Frioux, DNP, APRN-CNP, FNP-C**

Emily and Dalton Funkhouser**

Ann Felton Gilliland

Linda (Hawkins) and Nathan Grantham

Cari Griggs

Koby** and Sarah Harrington

Nick*** and Susan Harroz

Shirley Hendrick

Michael and Emily Herman

Jamie Kilpatrick**

Robin Ladd

Jenee*** and Darren Lister

Phil and Darwina Marshall**

Mackenzie McIntyre-Childers** and Blayne Childers

Kristen Merritt**

Kyle and Ashley Murphy

Danny Phan

Adam** and Maranda Ryburn

Jim and Melanie Shelley**

Brian and Adria Sprigler

Brandon Brooks and Lynann Sterk-Brooks**

Chuck Thompson

Jerry Vannatta*** and Melinda Lyon

John D.*** * and Ginger L. Veal

Ashlie** and Larry Wilhelm

Kimberley** and Erick Worrell 

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